Wednesday 27 February 2013

March 5

March 5 is NOT home reading! We are going to continue our discussion about portrait and landscape painting (esp. topics). Also try to find an interesting information about seascapists.

Monday 25 February 2013

March 4

1) Be ready with the topic " Portrait Painting"
2) Preapare literary translation of the following articles:
  • Nastya B. - p. 30 - Idealism and Impressionism; p. 34 - Surrealism and The Ten American Painters
  • Yana G. - p.29 - Gothic; p. 32 - Realism and Renaissance
  • Olga G. - p. 31 - Peredvizhniki; p. 33 - Russian Suprematism; p. 34 - Symbolism
  • Kate K. - p. 26 - Bauhaus; p. 29 - The Hudson River School
  • Julia L. - p.27 - Baroque and Conceptual Art
  • Nastya M. - p. 26 The Ash Can School (from the line "Their style was based on direct..."); p.28 - Cubism
  • Vera R. - p.25 - Abstract Expressionism; p. 33 - Russian Painting
  • Nastya S. - p.29 - Expressionism; p. 30 - Modern Art
  • Kate F. - p. 26 The Ash Can School  ( from the line "Rebelling against.." up to " gent art of all periods"); p. 32 - Pop Art
  • Liza Ts. - p. 25 - 26 The Ash Can School ( from the beginning up to the line "...Pennsylvania Academy"); p. 26 - Barbizon School

Thursday 21 February 2013

February 26

February 26 is home reading! Be ready with the interpretation of "Mendoza Sells Himself" by Williame Caine.

February 25

We are going to discuss portrait painting. So, be ready with the material from  "Enter the world of painting and learn to appreciate its treasures"  (pp. 12 - 13, 45-47)


ArtBabble is a cloud based video hosting service for art content 
and has been called the "YouTube of the arts". 
It was launched in April 2009 and won the 2010 "Best of the Web" (overall category) award at the Museums and the Web conference. 
The original design and hosting is provided by the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

Your PEDDESIGN task:

6. NEW!   Работа с сайтом ARTBABBLE

Задание: Comment two videos (2-3 sentences), sharing your impression about them.

Если у Вас есть аккаунт на Facebook, комментарии оставляете на сайте, а ссылки на них на

Если такого аккаунта у Вас нет, то комментарии оставляете в блогах Вашей группы (Тема: ARTBABBLE).

В комментарии не ссылка на видео, а его полное НАЗВАНИЕ!!!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

How to write a film review

Here is a guide to writing a good film review!

I think the best reviews are here - the language is not perfect but the stucture is really good.


Rendering: Tips

Here is a LIST of useful words and word combinations to help you with rendering.

Here are 2 samples, which are excellent,  IMHO!



Tuesday 12 February 2013

February 19

February 19 is Home Reading.

The story to read is Mendoza Sells Himself by William Caine

Reader-3, pp. 132 - 144. 

P.S. It's NOT obligatory to answer the questions in written form

February 18: Speech Practice

Topic #2. Painting: Landscape Painting (British, Russian, American). For this use articles from "Enter the world of painting and learn to appreciate its treasures"  (pp. 63 - 77)

Friday 8 February 2013

February 11: Speech Practice

February 11 is Home Reading.

The story to read is The Etching by Hugh S. Walpole.

Reader-3, pp. 179-186