Monday 25 February 2013

March 4

1) Be ready with the topic " Portrait Painting"
2) Preapare literary translation of the following articles:
  • Nastya B. - p. 30 - Idealism and Impressionism; p. 34 - Surrealism and The Ten American Painters
  • Yana G. - p.29 - Gothic; p. 32 - Realism and Renaissance
  • Olga G. - p. 31 - Peredvizhniki; p. 33 - Russian Suprematism; p. 34 - Symbolism
  • Kate K. - p. 26 - Bauhaus; p. 29 - The Hudson River School
  • Julia L. - p.27 - Baroque and Conceptual Art
  • Nastya M. - p. 26 The Ash Can School (from the line "Their style was based on direct..."); p.28 - Cubism
  • Vera R. - p.25 - Abstract Expressionism; p. 33 - Russian Painting
  • Nastya S. - p.29 - Expressionism; p. 30 - Modern Art
  • Kate F. - p. 26 The Ash Can School  ( from the line "Rebelling against.." up to " gent art of all periods"); p. 32 - Pop Art
  • Liza Ts. - p. 25 - 26 The Ash Can School ( from the beginning up to the line "...Pennsylvania Academy"); p. 26 - Barbizon School


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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